SuperGlamBabes Overview
This is a nude photography site that seeks to entertain you with soft porn. It is full of sexually enticing and teasing content. Most of the images are presented in still photos. There are several videos to cream your experience. So, don’t fret if you are an all-videos user. There is something for everyone.
SuperGlamBabes Features
The design of this site is professionally done. There is a rich collection of photos and videos available for viewing once you subscribe to their plan. The images come at an impressive 1200×800. I used the model index to explore what the various models on the site have to offer. The model index is one of the ways the site designers have tried to make the site user friendly. The layout is impressive and features various categories clearly lined up on the first page menu. I was also able to stream the videos using my Smartphone and tablet. The responsiveness of the site isn’t great. I’m not sure whether it’s because the site is still growing into a robust content store of if it is the web designers ingenious. Either way, I loved it. In the course of streaming the videos, I could jump to a scene ahead or behind with very little lad between the flips. Few sites feature direct playback that is so versatile and fast. Owing to the alternatives for sifting through the content, I can say without fear of contradiction that the site is very user-friendly. Although there is no search tool, you are provided with enough guidance to find your way around. It would be unfair to fail to mention the bonus available. I was treated free access to clubhardy and later led to pattyparisi.
SuperGlamBabes Contents
The site brings you beautiful and sexy Italian women in their best flirting and teasing element. There is a rich mix of models from other parts of Europe too. The beauty, height and style of the Italian models, blended with the horny enthusiasm of girls from other parts of Europe complete the picture of a sexually charged entertainment platform. The site seeks to get your juices running with many classic and unconventional tools. There is a rich display of a variety of content. I got seep in several sizzling lesbian encounters with a couple of girls. Although there really isn’t any hardcore stuff to unpack, the girl to girl scenes are always the highlight for me. I also got to see and learn how the girls make use of their toys or replace a man’s tool. The girls are drawn from a wide range of preferences. You are sure to find your type here. There are many energetic models with figures that cause a stir in your loins. There are some slim ones; a great delicacy for a lot of European dudes, and some fairly well built gorgeous looking ones with a warm promise of steamy action. If you have a thing for celebrity hotties, Sandra Shine is here too. The files are available in the Windows Media Player format. These videos are exclusive and high quality scenes that make you want to play them over and over. The only qualm I have is that there is little textual descriptions of the action that ensues in various scenes. Therefore I was left to my devices to figure out some subtle aspects of performances. I thought I could enjoy some of the scenes a lot more if there was a bit of background information of description of the action included. Given that the talking in the scenes very limited, that is the only way to guarantee users a smooth following of the otherwise highly charged teasers. Get your videos in JPEGF, WMV, MP4 and FLASH. There are over 386 galleries featuring 100 pics each.
month: $19.90
trial: $2.00
year: $85.90